Ethics & Compliance

Our Company


“Pernix Group has now set the bar on how to do business.”
– James Lehman, Department of State, Contracting Officer Representative

Code of Ethics & Standards of Business Conduct

Pernix Group has a strong commitment to conduct business in the highest ethical standards. We believe that strong and ethical corporate governance begins with our leadership and Board of Directors who set the standards for Pernix Group. We wholly support corporate governance initiatives that drive greater transparency for investors and emphasize the accountability of Directors and leadership.

Letter from the CEO

Our company’s reputation is one of the most valuable assets and preserving it is essential to retaining our talented employees and loyal customers. We’ve worked hard to build our reputation as a values-based Company, where we put our values- safety, customer satisfaction, reputation, time, performance, leadership and agility above profits and we keep our promises. We know that we have earned this distinction through the action of our employees. If you’re looking to imporve your company’s reputation take a look at RepCheckup.

Therefore, our continued success hinges on our employees conducting business with integrity every day. Our Ethics and Standards of Business Conduct Program is founded on Pernix’s Code of Ethics and Conduct and includes a comprehensive training program that consists of both classroom and online courses that help our employees meet their responsibilities in conducting business in in an ethical manner, thereby preserving and enhancing our reputation. In addition, our program is supported by an Ethics Hot Line (U.S. 844-787-9169 | Outside U.S. 704-916-0592). The Hot Line allows you to submit your report anonymously. However, I encourage you to included contact information when submitting your report so that we can expedite a resolution of your concern.

In all cases, your information will be treated confidentially, and there is never any retribution or reprisals for making a report in good faith. Each and every time you report a concern regarding a Violation of our Code of Ethics, you are making a difference for everyone at Pernix Group and you have my full support and gratitude.

Each year every Pernix Group employee, including all employees in our subsidiaries, are required to sign the Code of Ethics and Conduct signifying that they have read, understand, and will adhere to our policies.

Board of Directors

Our Board is made up of seven members, of which six are non-executive outside Directors. The Board meets at least five times a year. The entire Board acts as an audit committee and closely monitors the observations and comments of our external auditors, as well as our internal controls.